Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to Make Money Fast

Following straight on from our initial welcome post Fast Make Money Ways, here we'll take a quick look at one of the more useful fast make money ways that are available to the newcomer to Internet Marketing.

First you need to start with a base for those fast make money ways to begin from and the easiest and cheapest ways to do that is to set up a free blog. Hey, just like this cute make money blog right here, in fact! With Blogger, setting up a blog is child's play, although its function and purpose is anything but for children - at least not those who haven't already figured the way to riches before you've even left school is NOT with some crappy paper round but online with a fast make money ways blog!

Once you've set up your blogger account and created your first blog, there are some DOs and DON'Ts that you really need to observe if you want to make it work.

First the DON'Ts

Don't publish your first post and coincide that milestone with filling the blog full of adsense, affiliate links and banners. Hold your horses! That might seem the fast make money ways to go, but it is actually counter-productive in that Google will take one look at your fresh out-of-the-box blog and send it straight to the sandbox.

What, you don't care?

You should care. Google will be your best friend by sending you lots of organic, highly targeted traffic to your fast make money blog, but only after it has satisfied itself that you are not a spam merchant hellbent on putting up blogs just to get clicks on your ads.

While that is exactly the reason you're doing it, you want it to at least look like you are going the legitimate route and putting up something of value to Google's search clients. Otherwise they won't let you within a mile of their most searched page, ie Page 1. And that's where you want to aim to be for your chosen niche.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. By that I mean don't create a brace of fast make money ways blogs - because the fast make money ways niche is saturated with the toughest most difficult to compete against Internet Marketers you'll ever meet and they are not about to let some new upstart with a free blog muscle in on their territory. Such as it is.

Better to have just one or two in that niche, just for the hell of it and then concentrate on where the money REALLY is and that is in just about any other niche - apart from maybe the loans and finance niches - again centred around money.

What, you mean there is no money in the fast make money niche? So why in the hell is it called make money?

Well, what happens is that most of your search traffic in the fast make money niche are going to be other Internet Marketers, who by definition are very clued up people when it comes to the art of how to make money. These people know what your affiliate links and banner ads and adsense all do and they don't bother clicking on any of them.

Which means you might do really well and attract a thousand Internet Marketers to your site every day, but because none of the stingy bastards will ever click on one of your ads, you won't make a red cant from any of them.

In fact do too well and all it will do is end up costing you more in the long run, because you undoubtedly progress onto self hosted sites, which will just cost you more in bandwidth for all your stingy visitors!


That's enough fast make money ways, tip and techniques for this one post - I'll publish more later!

Fast Make Money Ways

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